Contributions to the UN Summit of the Future

As the UN General Assembly convenes its Summit of the Future, 22-23 September 2024, we'd like to draw members' attention to several interesting contributions from former staff members, several of them - but not all - members of BAFUNCS.

Several of these appear in PassBlue, an unofficial but very well informed newsletter about the UN System.   Members who are interested in regular briefings and thought pieces from this source can subscribe to receive the regular newsletter.

Three Ways to Revive the UN Using Its Own Charter: Paola Bettelli  and  Georgios Kostakos. Paula and Georgios are both members of the Peacemaking Reflection Group (PRG), comprising a group of concerned former UN staff mermbers.  A number of BAFUNCS members are active participants in the PRG.

Is the End of Multilateralism Near?:

A third contribution to this debate has also just been published, this time in book form, published by Stanford University Press. Written by Richard Falk and Hans Von Sponeck, the book's title is Liberating the United Nations: Realism with Hope.  Another of our BAFUNCS members, John Burley, has written an essay-length review of this book, which is well worth reading - as is the thoughtful book itself.  Just click on the link below:

John Burley Review of "LIberating the United Nations"


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