Cambridge Region (CAM)

Ely Cathedral ( photo N. Rodgers)

The Cambridge Region covers the whole of East Anglia and the surrounding areas. The region has around 70 members and regular meetings are arranged. We are a friendly, active group, generally visiting a place of interest in June and  September with lunch gatherings in the Spring time and  December. Whilst trying to very the locations we are always open to suggestions.

With  Cambridge and Norwich at its heart, the region encompasses many beautiful and fascinating  places of interest with the coastal areas, the Broads and the Suffolk countryside offering many activities. To the west lies Bletchley Park, the historic Kings Lynn on the north Norfolk coast, with Bronze Age Flag Fen and the majestic Ely Cathedral situated in Cambridgshire.

On the Suffolk coast Southwold offers the beach, its maritime history and Adnam's Brewery and further south in Hertfordshire the iconic Henry Moore studios and Gardens are located. These are some of the  venues we have explored whilst there are plenty more gems to discover.

The next visit is planned on Thursday June 20th to Houghton Hall near Kings Lynn to see the Antony Gormley Exhibition "Time Horizon".

Signed-in members may find more recent news and postings: Click Here
To contact us:: Regional Representative. 



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