Join Us

Complete Our On-Line Application Form


Membership of the Association is open to any past or present staff members of the organizations or agencies of the United Nations System, as well as their spouses. Widows and widowers of staff members can belong in their own right. Members of the Association do not need to have British citizenship or even to reside in the United Kingdom; all nationalities are eligible and welcome.

Serving staff members of United Nations organizations are encouraged to join the Association. Membership can be of particular value to them and to the Association in their last few years of service, especially if they intend to retire to the United Kingdom.

Life Membership is available to members over the age of 60.

How to Join

Those interested in joining should complete an On-Line Membership Application Form. Once this has been accepted, full details on payment of the subscription will be sent out (and are summarized below).


Type of membership Digital Non-digital
Single £30 £35
Joint £45 £50
Single Life £750 £750
Joint Life £1,125 £1,125
Joining fee (per membership) £25 £25

Members (other than Life members) who wish to receive the bi-Annual Newsletter in hard-copy form are required to pay £5 per annum, in addition to their subscription, to offset some of the cost of production and mailing.

Payment by Direct Debit is strongly preferred as this helps members keep up to date with their subscriptions, greatly reduces the work of the Subscriptions Secretary and assists the Association in the preparation of its annual budget.

Once accepted and fully paid up, new members will be assigned to one of the 10 BAFUNCS regions (see "Regions" on top level menu) and will be given access to the members’ area of our website where there is information on taxation, ways to get in touch with other members, past issues of the newsletter, etc.

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