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Except for the intervention of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021, BAFUNCS has held an Annual Reunion every year since 1978. The Executive Committee has launched this survey in order to assess the level of support for convening the Annual Reunion in the future and to identify members’ views on aspects of the Reunion. The survey is confidential and the responses will only be utilized collectively. However, for our analytical purposes we ask that you state your age, the (approximate) year that you joined BAFUNCS, and whether you have any health or mobility issues which affect your participation in the Association’s activities. Joint members are welcome to submit a survey each. It should take only 5 minutes to complete. Please return the survey by 25 April 2025. Complete the Online Questionnaire Download the Paper Version of the Questionnaire Thank you very much for taking the time to participate in this survey. Please return the completed survey in one of the following ways: If completing the survey online on the website, please click on the ‘Submit’ button If using the paper copy, please either scan the completed survey and email it as an attachment to surveys@bafuncs.org or Mail the completed survey to: Andy Flatt, Southgarth, 2 Caistor Road, Barton upon Humber, North Lincolnshire, DN18 6AH
Choose an excursion, learn something new and make new friends! Tuesday Afternoon A Walking Tour of Norwich For those who like getting to know an area in depth and bring the past back to life then join us for a walk around Norwich city centre beginning at the The Forum and finishing at the Cathedral. Along the way we will travel through the centuries… various industries, the ancient Anglo- Scandinavian marketplace, picturesque Elm Hill, the religious refugees, architecture, buildings- so much to see and hear. The coach we have organised (depending on remaining seats) could also drop people in the city centre for the independently inclined to explore! The newly renovated Norwich Castle offers an art exhibition “Sunlight” by Roger Ackling. Blickling Estate Another option is this beautiful National Trust Jacobean stately home, set in 5,000 acres of Parkland and built on Tudor ruins. Not only is the House steeped in history, believed to have been the birthplace of Anne Boleyn, it contains one of the most historically significant collections of manuscripts and books in England with a WWII RAF museum. The beautiful gardens include a dry moat, listed structures, ornaments, a parterre, secret galrden, orangery and a kitchen garden. Sainsbury Centre You can be dropped off at the Sainsbury Centre to enjoy ancient, contemporary and ethnographic art collections in modernist spaces and visit the outdoor Sculpture Park.The recently renovated Sainsbury Centre is a world class art museum with a unique perspective on how art can foster cultural dialogue and exchange. Wednesday Afternoon Hickling Broad Journey into the hidden heart of the broads and discover wildlife-rich marshes, reedbeds and wet woodlands – home to dazzling dragonflies, vibrant fenland flowers, and flocks of winter wildfowl. A guided wildlife boat trip is the perfect way to explore the natural treasures of the Norfolk Broads and learn about this fascinating wild place. Don’t hesitate, locate your invitation and registration form on the website or your copy of the Autumn newsletter and book the hotel room! We’d love to see you there!
All members are welcome to join us at the CAM region AGM and Lunch! Venue: The Bell Hotel King Street Thetford. IP24 2AZ For lunch a buffet will be provided in the dining room with assorted salads, sandwiches and desserts, as well as a tea and coffee station. The price is £16.95 pp payable on the day to the Bell Hotel. Other drinks can be purchased separately on the day. 11.00 am – Meet in the Bar 12.00 am – AGM in the Lounge 1.00 pm – Lunch in the Dining Room In the afternoon some members may wish to visit the Ancient Museum, a few minutes’ walk from the Bell Hotel. Please let us know if you are interested so that we can explore the possibility of an introductory talk. Therese and I, having visited last year, highly recommend it! Please confirm your attendance at the AGM and lunch by Wednesday 19th February and inform us of any allergies or dietary requirements by contacting Nicky Rodgers at rodgers.nichola@gmail.com Directions and parking Complimentary parking is available at the hotel park for hotel guests. Do not use the pay meters but on arrival remember to check in at reception with your number plate. Thetford is situated just off the A11. Thetford station lies just to the north of the town centre and the River Little Ouse, a short walk from the Bell Hotel. Trains run through here on the Breckland Line between Cambridge and Norwich and the long-distance line between Liverpool Lime Street and Norwich. We hope to see you there! Nicky and Lynette
BAFUNCS Regional Officers – January 2025 For contact details go to Membership Directory CAMBRIDGE Regional Representative. Nichola Rodgers Treasurer Lynette Kimata Member support Nichola Rodgers KENT AND SUSSEX For all regional affairs Heather Johnson heatherjay1234@btinternet.com Or Richard Sydenham Or Terri Jezeph terrijezeph@yahoo.co.uk LONDON Regional Representative Hannah Shabathai Secretary. Carole Harris NORTHERN Regional Representative Nikki Feirn Secretary Duncan Barclay Treasurer Sarah Mehta Edinburgh Sub-region Hossein Khermandmand Member support Nikki Feirn OVERSEAS Regional Representative Mary Hamouda Treasurer Richard Saynor OXFORD Regional Representative Stephen Rudgard Treasurer Anoma Jayawickrema Member support (central) Latifa Noman SOUTH CENTRAL Regional Representative Claudine Pichon (to be contacted on all matters) SOUTH WEST Regional Representative Vacant (contact Nichola Rodgers) Member support Penny Ratcliffe SURREY Regional Representative/ Treasurer Marilyn Carr Secretary Rini Reza Member support/Helpline Joanna Tempowski Social Secretary Annie Kean Membership Secretary Karen Jørgensen WEST MIDLAND AND WALES Regional Representative Vacant (contact Nichola Rodgers) Treasurer Elizabeth Searle