The UNJSPF website provides you with all of the information you need to effectively manage your pension benefit, whether you are a retiree, beneficiary or active member
The UK Inland Revenue web site contains material of use to those intending to return to the UK and those filing tax returns. It contains copies of all forms needed to complete a tax return as well as explanatory texts to assist in completing for each part of a tax return and information for those intending to return to the UK.
The purpose of the Benevolent Fund is to give financial assistance to any former employees of the United Nations or its Organizations and Bodies and their dependents ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom. Beneficiaries do not have to be members of the Association.
The UN Association of the UK (UNA-UK) is the UK’s leading independent policy authority on the UN and a grassroots membership organization with a network of supporters across the UK.
Age UK combines Age Concern and Help the Aged, and is one of the most powerful and influential organizations in the United Kingdom.
This website provides a gateway to the work of the United Nations as well as links to the websites of all other organizations of the United Nations system.
BAFUNCS became a member of the Federation of Associations of Former International Civil Servants (FAFICS) in June 1981.
The UN Foundation is an excellent source of independent information and analysis on the UN System. It's possible to subscribe to its daily newsletter UN Wire.
The aim of WHO's Association of Former Staff Members (AFSM) is to advocate on behalf of all former WHO staff in important matters such as health insurance and pensions benefits.
PassBlue provides a range of independent articles about the UN, sometimes opinionated but always well-informed. Those interested can subscribe to a regular newsletter.
Click on the logo to download the latest edition of a regular publication "serving the people of international organisations in Geneva since 1949". Provides much interesting and useful information.