As part of the process of transitioning to a new phase of the UN Career Records Project, Michael Askwith, who was its Coordinator from 2003 to May 2021, has prepared a review of the project since its inception in 1989 under the title of Review of UNCRP Activities under Phase I (1989 – 1995) and Phase II (2003 – 2021).
Part I Results and Recommendations (45 pages) assesses the main results of the two phases, generated through contributions of personal archives and reports, and witness seminars, with illustrations. It also makes recommendations for follow-up in the context of the next phase, Phase III. A total of 31 recommendations are made in seven areas relating to 1) The future supply of career records, 2) Awareness-raising, 3) Facilitating access, 4) Witness seminars, 5) Outreach, 6) Governance and management, and 7) Use by researchers. Electronic links to key documents produced are also given.
Part II Annexes (287 pages) is made up of twelve Annexes, broken down into about ninety ‘sub-annexes’ covering the UNCRP’s past history and the key documents which have signposted its progress. These Annexes relate to 1) Formal frameworks, 2) Progress reports prepared for EXCO, 3) Meetings with and/or at the Bodleian Library, 4) UNCRP presentations at Annual Reunions, 5) UNCRP website pages (BAFUNCS and Bodleian), 6) Outputs produced, 7) Fundraising, 8) Lists of contributors, 9) Participation in Witness Seminars, 10) Potential partnerships with organisations involved in UN studies, 11) UNCRP in 2021, some thoughts by Bill Jackson, and 12) Databases for recording contributions (Excel).
Part I is hereby posted on this website while Part II, because of its bulk and of the large number of contributors’ names, is omitted. It can however be accessed by interested parties through the UNCRP Coordinator.
Michael Askwith