The Annual General Assembly

The Annual General Assembly

The Annual General Assembly, effectively the association's Annual General Meeting, takes place during the Annual Reunion, which is normally held in mid-May.

The Reunion takes place over a weekend, from Friday afternoon to Sunday lunch-time, and is held in a different region each year. Recent locations have included Edinburgh, Hollingbourne, Bournemouth and King's Lynn.

In addition to conducting the routine business of the Association, eminent speakers –who normally have had a close association with the United Nations System - are invited to address the meeting and to answer questions afterwards. Recent speakers have included Sir John Holmes, Sir Mark Lyall Grant, The Rt. Hon. Clare Short, and Baroness Valerie Amos.

The business sessions are held in the mornings, leaving time for informal meetings, excursions and social activities. Attendance is normally 80–100 members and their guests.

Click here for important information about the upcoming Annual Reunion. For information on the previous Annual Reunion click here.

The Executive Committee

The elected officers of the Association are: the President, several Vice-Presidents, the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Executive Committee, and the Secretary and Treasurer. In addition, six ordinary members are elected to the Committee, and other members may be co-opted for specific functions, with full voting powers. A full list of current office holders is provided below.

The Executive Committee is responsible for the day-to-day running of the Association. It usually holds four regular meetings each year. Vice-Presidents and Regional Representatives may also attend these sessions. In general, each member of the Committee is responsible for one of the aims or central activities of the Association, under the general policy guidance of ExCo and the Chairman.

The Executive Committee convenes, prepares for, and reports on the General Assembly. It issues information and reports on matters of interest to members and coordinates welfare support activities at the national level. It advises members on pension and staff health insurance issues, and maintains direct contact with the European Office of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund. It also maintains relations with other organizations, especially United Nations organizations, the Federation of Associations of Former International Civil Servants (FAFICS), the United Kingdom United Nations Association (UNA-UK), and Age UK. In addition close relations are maintained with the International Maritime Organization, which hosts the meetings of the Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee currently issues a series of 10 Information Notes on issues of interest to members. Please see the Publications page for more information.


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