Cambridge Region (CAM) Visit to Flag Fen on 12 September 2019 – Report

This memorable day has left us reflecting on the past and the fragile future of the earth we

The story of Flag Fen began in 1971 when excavations revealed an almost intact Bronze Age
landscape. In 1982 archaeologists came across timbers of a causeway constructed over a
period of 400 years which has proved to be a site of international importance.
We were able to experience a preserved ‘wetland’ section of this causeway with an artist’s
views of the surrounding landscape. The museum displayed a rich archaeological collection
and remains which are important in understanding the Bronze age landscape in Britain.
including precious pottery, jewellery, tools and weaponry. Glass beads, gold rings and
swords show links to continental Europe.




After lunch we had the privilege of admiring the awe and wonder of the GAIA artwork in
Peterborough Cathedral, a giant, suspended sphere, imprinted with NASA satellite imagery
of the earth. This evoked dialogue around space travel, the vast expanse of water on earth
(70%) and the beauty of the earth as seen from the moon.

Our thanks to Ian and Jane Naylor for recommending and assisting with this visit.
John Stares, Nicky Rodgers, Therese Bruce, Ian and Jean O’Neill, Ian and Jane Naylor,
William and Jane Harding, Sylvia and Victor Lynn Meaden and Guest, Elfriede Duanne,
Alexandra Macleod, Jonathon Hardman, June Mitchell( Lon) & Richard Sydenham ( KSx)

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