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Our Programme is now confirmed and available to view here Are you thinking of joining us at the last minute? If you are local to Norwich or otherwise and prefer to join us as non-residents, have a look at the programme, choose your events and contact Charles Robson at registrar2025@bafuncs.org for further details or assistance with alternative accommodation. Invitation & Booking Details for AR 2025 Registration Form for AR 2025 …………………………………………… Park Farm Hotel Nearly all rooms at the basic agreed price are booked but check with the hotel first as extra rooms may be freed up. If none are available, then please lodge your interest with the Registrar. However, the following rooms will be still available, some with upgrades (i.e. with an extra cost above the agreed price). All reserved rooms will be released to the general public on 7th April. If they are available after that time, the rates will still be honoured. Contact Park Farm Hotel directly at reception first. ………………………………………… Deluxe – included in our discounted rate Rates are per night. Boutique Suite – Upgrade fee £100 pn Ash Suite – Upgrade Fee £60pn Beech Suite – Upgrade Fee £80 per night Birch Studio – Upgrade Fee £150 pn Tumbrils Cottage – available for two couples happy to share the space at the agreed rate. The Tumbrils is about 5 minutes’ walk from the main hotel. It is ground floor with parking right outside of it. It has two ensuite bedrooms, both available as twin rooms. …………………………………………. Please contact the Registrar for assistance.
On Tuesday 29 April at La Parisienne, 21 Bell Street, Romsey SO51 8GY. As usual, let’s meet from 12 noon with lunch served at 12h30, earlier if everybody is present. MENU STARTER [1] Soup of the Day [2] Warm Goat’s Cheese Salad [3] Duck Mousse served with Toast MAIN [4] Pan Fried Sea Bream “sauce vierge” with New Potatoes, Green Beans and Carrots [5] Chicken Breast with Tarragon Sauce with New Potatoes, Green Beans and Carrots [6] Pork Chop with Mushroom and Calvados Sauce with New Potatoes, Green Beans and Carrots PUDDING [7] Chocolate Mousse [8] Crème Caramel [9] Sorbet OR Ice Cream (two scoops) THREE COURSE = £28 TWO COURSE = £20 ADD Coffee, Americano, Cappuccino, Espresso OR Tea £3.50 DEADLINE for orders: Monday 22 April. Payment on the day. Pay for your drinks… CAR PARK NEWTON LANE [SO51 8GZ] behind La Parisienne up to four hours but it is sometimes difficult to find a place CROSFIELD HALL [S051 8GN] up to four hours (behind the hall) is some four minutes walk to La Parisienne: cross at the roundabout toward the town, walk through Bradbeers to Bell Street, La Parisienne is on your left. Looking forward to seeing you. Warm regards. ClaudineClaudin Pichon, SCL Regional Representative (sclbafuncs@gmail.com)
A very pleasant time was had at the informal AGM held at the Hydro Hotel, Eastbourne on Thursday, February 27th. Thanks go to Joan Wilson for making the arrangements. Present were (l to r): Richard Sydenham, Peter Sanders, Terri Jezeph, Joan Wilson, Brigit McCarthy, Elsbeth Hinser, Michael Askwith, Margaret Baugier and Heather Johnson. Apologies were received from: David Jezeph, Celia Askwith, Elsa Brathaug, Julian Lefevre, Avril Collier, Mary Cattermole and Sheila Cooper. Terri ran through the membership figures, “feel better soon” gifts sent, and our social calendar during the last twelve months. We took the opportunity to thank Michael Askwith for organising the Christmas cards, illustrated with one of his charming local watercolours. Richard, our treasurer, ran through the regional fund and Benevolent Fund accounts. Due to Lloyd’s Bank introducing monthly charges and the relatively small amounts involved, the account will be closed in the near future. Richard Saynor, who is the Honorary Treasurer for BAFUNCS, will manage ours and other regions’ accounts at his suggestion. All present supported the three of us organising KSX region in its current form. It was decided that at future meetings, if members would like to, there would be an opportunity to talk about our lives within the UN system. Venues and dates for future lunches were discussed, including in Lewes, Shoreham, Littlehampton, Burgess Hill, Worthing and Canterbury, with our Christmas lunch to be held at Shoreham Airport as in the past. Details on all these events to follow. Any suggestions for future lunches to the east of Brighton, to balance the locations, would be most welcome, as we are aware that the majority of KSX members live within a 30 mile radius of Brighton. We will alert members to upcoming events in our region, but please keep monitoring the website to keep up to date. Thank you. Heather, Terri and Richard
“The World Turned Upside Down – and what Britain needs to do about it” This will be the subject of the Tuesday morning “conversazione” between our President, Sir Mark Lowcock, and the Rt. Hon. Andrew Mitchell, MP. Given recent events, there will be much to discuss about the UK’s role in the World, and in the UN, too. There are still places available for the Annual Reunion in Norwich but the pre-booked hotel rooms will expire at the end of March. So book now if you want to benefit from the negotiated rates. Invitation & Booking Details for AR 2025 Registration Form for AR 2025